Salvatore Celiento
Salvatore Celiento has a Bachelor of Social Science degree with a dual major in Sociology and Pastoral Counselling from Australian Catholic University and a Master of Counselling degree from Victoria University in Australia. He is an accomplished martial artist in the Japanese tradition of Ninjutsu. His other studies include the Shakuhachi bamboo flute (with Grand Master Riley Lee). His shakuhachi music is available on streaming and download platforms. Salvatore has lectured on counselling in universities in Australia for many years and in 2010, was accepted to study as a Shedra student by Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche IX. He his a graduate of the 11 year Shedra program, studying traditional texts from the Kagyu and Nyingma Schools of Tibetan Buddhism, completed at Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche IX’s E-Vam Institute in Australia.